Helping Others

Everyone has the rights to live  

I was almost 22 years old, right after I have been in the army. There most of the young people are loosing their time, because it’s a stupid and there they don’t do anything special…Wasting your time, that’s it, and that was for me. The only thing I’ve learnt there was to manage things by myself and getting use to live alone out of my community. Then being back home I had wish to study at University, I really wanted and tried so hard to enter in. I didn’t got chance to be a student. I had low results at the test. Anyway, I said I’ll try next year, while I’m studying harder. So back home after one year I started getting out with friends, discotheques, pubs, bars. It was so cool. The life began with thinking how I would be dressed at Saturday, where should we go and things like that. And not only had I such thoughts, but my friends as well. Even they toughed me to think in this way, those friends who were never lived alone or being out of their homes, living without their parents and surrounded environment. It was good…at some points. After 6-7 months I was pissed of. I was tired of narrow field of vision, I had my wish – I wanted to be a student and leave separately of my parents, to have my own life. I wanted to develop my self in a good way, not only staying home, without studying and just get married, only because there is nothing interesting happened. There was a chance to enter at a college, but in that time I didn’t have enough money, I couldn’t cover my tuition. Around me were only marriages, pubs, bars etc. I have seen a young girl, very beautiful at 8 grade, who has just to finished her school and then to study upper. But unfortunately she has been stolen as bride (That’s how Roma mostly get married in my town at that time. Stolen means both the boy and the girl are going out of the town and he is taking her virginity. In most cases they love each other, but in other cases there is love only from the boy’s side. This makes hard the things and mostly in the end they are not together and the girl can’t marry). At the beginning was good but then she was started thinking why she did it and what has been happened. She was missing so much her life...